Jonah: Rock Bottom
Jonah hears the call from God to go to Ninevah. Instead of obeying, he goes completely against God and runs the other way. Was Jonah afraid of his enemies, the Ninevites? What caused him to be so blatantly disobedient? God steps in and sends a violent storm before Jonah is thrown overboard and swallowed by a huge fish. Once running away, now Jonah is confined to the stomach of this fish. Control has been stripped from Jonah. He has time to think about what he has done and who God is. It's the ultimate time-out! He has hit rock-bottom. Have you been there? Each of us has a different "rock-bottom." But if you've seen it, it's not a fun place to be. Hopefully, when we are there, we look UP! Jonah did and it led him back to obedience.