In the few weeks we have followed Jonah, he has run from God, run back to God, and worked with God. In Chapter 4, he argues with God and is actually working against Him! If you ever find yourself arguing with God, even scolding Him for something, I hope you'll come to your senses before it's too late. Trying to deny God His way is dangerous, foolish, and absolutely ridiculous. We would NEVER do that, right? Or would we? How many excuses do we offer when we are being led to do something good? Do we ever complain about someone else's good fortune or blessing? We could very well be complaining about what God has done for someone. It's what Jonah was doing at the end of this story. Fortunately, there are other examples in the bible of how we should react when God blesses others in a we may not have asked for or even wanted. We will look at the differences.