Some people have the idea that we shouldn't worship God with any expectation of a benefit for ourselves. Their motives seem good - focus on God and worship Him for who He is. It's not about us, they think. But, is that scriptural? Scripture tells us God "rewards those who diligently seek him" (Hebrews 11:6). When we worship God in His presence, we should be changed! Moses certainly was; he glowed so much the people asked him to cover his face!
In the text today from 1 John 1:2, John says Jesus is eternal LIFE. We tend to get wrapped up in the adjective "eternal" and think it's all about what happens after we die. But remember Jesus said, "I have come that they may have LIFE and have it abundantly." The word John uses for life means that abundant, full, overflowing life NOW. John is calling us into fellowship with Jesus who offers us that abundant life and joy NOW. When we worship God and are in fellowship with Jesus, we are rewarded!